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DayHawk   - Clan OmniMECH


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Type: DayHawk
Technology Base: Custom Clan
Tonnage: 55
Designer: SunBurner
Release: 1st Publication

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Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 5.5
Engine: VOX 330 8.5
Clan XXL
  Walking MP: 6
  Running MP: 9
  Jumping MP: 6 3
Double Heat Sinks: 17 [34] 7
Gyro: 4
Cockpit: 3
DayHawk DBM (The Drawing Board) File   

Internal Structure Armor Value
Endo-Steel Ferro-Fibrous
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 18 27 (9)
R/L Torso: 13 20 (6)
Arms: 9 18
Legs: 13 26

Weapons and Equipment Location Critical Tonnage
ER Small Laser CT 1 0.5
ER Small Laser LA 1 0.5
ER Small Laser RA 1 0.5
ER Medium Laser LA 1 1
ER Medium Laser RA 1 1
Streak LRM 5 LT 1 2
Streak LRM 5 RT 1 2
Ammo (Streak LRM 5) 24/T LT 1 1
Ammo (Streak LRM 5) 24/T LT 1 1
Ammo (Smoke LRM 5) 24/T LT 1 1
Ammo (Smoke LRM 5) 24/T RT 1 1
Ammo (Smoke LRM 5) 24/T RT 1 1
Ammo (Smoke LRM 5) 24/T RT 1 1
Supercharger CT 1 1

This is the DayHawk. It is a new clan Omnimech. It was designed as a lighter version of the Cauldron Born. It is lighter than the Cauldron Born by 10 Tons. It has Streak LRM 5/10 Configs. There are a total of 12 seperate Configs. Many different choices to keep it fresh..heh. Unlike the Cauldron Born the DayHawk has Jump variants, which are Default,Mark VI,Mark XI, & Mark XII.

The DayHawk is a good 'mech to use in groups. The blend right in with the Cauldron-Borns, and with the Jumping Capabilities, they could assist Cauldron-Borns in the battlefield. i.e. by providing mobile fire support.

The InnerSphere will have a hard time identifying which one's which...that's what so confusing..heh.


Not personally tested...If you have one...use a Cauldron Born to represent it since they would look similar.


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