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WarPath - Clan OmniMECH


Type: WarPath
Technology Base: Custom Clan
Tonnage: 85
Designer: SunBurner
Armory: Marauders Unlimited

Equipment Mass
Internal Structure: 8.5
Engine: VOX 340 9.0
Clan XXL
  Walking MP: 4
  Running MP: 6
  Jumping MP: 0 0
Double Heat Sinks: 13 [26] 3
Gyro: 4
Cockpit: 3
WarPath DBM (The Drawing Board) File   

WarHammer IIC temperarily representing WarPath

Temperary Image Representation.

Internal Structure Armor Value
Endo-Steel Ferro-Fibrous
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 27 41 (13)
R/L Torso: 18 27 (9)
Arms: 14 28
Legs: 18 36

Weapons and Equipment Location Critical Tonnage
ER Medium Laser CT 1 1
ER Medium Laser LT 1 1
ER Medium Laser LT 1 1
ER Medium Laser RT 1 1
ER Medium Laser RT 1 1
Streak SRM-2 LT 1 1
Streak SRM-2 RT 1 1
Ammo (Streak SRM-2) 50/T LT 1 1
Ammo (Streak SRM-2) 50/T RT 1 1
Supercharger CT 1 0.9

It also has 2 RAC/10s with 6 Tons of ammo..that's a total of 120 rounds.

This has been one of my Favourite Designs. Even though it hasn't been thoroughly tested, I have used the weapons that I have used on other designs and put it into this one. As you can see the Primary Config has RAC 10s heh....Massive over kill...major damage..I love it. This is an OmniMECH w/ 8 Variants (configs). As you can see this thing is a walking BattleTANK...the closest representation I could get is the WarHammer IIC. Even though it doesn't look entirely like it.

Well this War Machine here is supposed to be a LTM - Land Tank MECH... An idea of mine. The arms go over the front torso..the head is hidden beneath the arms(which becomes a turret)the back becomes the bottom of the tank(which can not be hit) and the legs are the front of the tank. And it is a Tread based mech..maybe wheeled... Still since the rules don't exist in BattleTECH you will just have to use the MECH mode.


I never killed anyone with this 'mech, but I'm sure it's been used before. I just need to draw the image that is stuck in my head...heh.


BattleMechs & Weapons are the Copyright © of Marauders Unlimited 1999, 2000.